Our method for a successful rental investment

The success of a rental project requires mastering all the stages.
Buying well, renovating well, decorating well and renting well. Afterwards, the quality of the work and the maintenance of the property will ensure the durability of your assets.

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Buying real estate

To know how to buy. This is the basis of any real estate project and many make the mistake of buying too expensive, which will make it impossible to achieve satisfactory rental profitability. There are many important elements when buying, but first and foremost the price. Wherever you buy, there is a market for both old and new properties. You need to study and understand the local market to be sure you are buying at the right price. What is the right price? There are as many answers as there are goods... If I tell you to buy 7.000€/m2, it will not have the same meaning in the city of Saint-Denis, or in the 6th district of Paris. To buy well is to understand the market, to take into account the strengths and weaknesses of the property you are looking for. The best deals are often achieved by buying properties to renovate.

the purchase of real estate


Beware of the traps. We all have someone in our entourage who has started endless work and has encountered difficulties with general contractors. And renovation is essential to make the property attractive. A bad renovation will discourage tenants and force you to sell the property. It will also age poorly. Find quality contractors who are honest and use quality materials. Call on us for your apartment renovation in Paris.

the renovation


Offering a furnished property allows you to rent it with a premium compared to an empty property. The tenant will find it easier to move in and avoid buying furniture. Still, the furniture and decoration must be attractive, that's the whole concept of home staging. Create a decoration that is not too personalized so that each candidate can imagine himself living in the apartment.

the decoration


A ce stade vous disposez d’un appartement attrayant, aux travaux et à la décoration soignés. Il s’agit de le proposer sur la fourchette haute du marché, puisqu’il est au-dessus de beaucoup d’autres biens proposés sur le marché. Bravo, à travers toutes ces étapes vous avez réalisé un investissement locatif réussi. Vous disposez d’un bien de qualité, acheté au bon prix et loué sur la tranche haute en rapport avec ses équipements. Si vous avez respecté ces étapes scrupuleusement vous disposez d’une rentabilité élevée. Nous proposons un accompagnement complet qui vous permettra de bénéficier de notre expertise et réaliser un investissement locatif réussi sur le marché parisien. Découvrez ce que notre prestation de conseil en investissement locatif inclut.

editor's photo
  • Mickael Zonta
  • Rental Investment Director

A graduate of a major business school, and after a first successful experience in finance, Mickael Zonta began his career in real estate in 2011 in Paris before extending his activity to the Paris region and the city of Lyon. The fact that he is also a real estate investor in a personal capacity allows him to understand clients' issues in terms of investment objectives, rental yield and choice of tax regimes.

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