Apartment rental management: how does it work and why should you trust us?

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  • Article written by Mickaël ZONTA
  • President, Investissement-Locatif.com
Reading time 10 minutes Published on Thursday, February 6, 2025
What is rental management?
How does rental management work?
Why entrust your apartment to a company specializing in rental management?
Why entrust us with the rental management of your apartment?
How much does rental management cost?
Profitability of rental investment with rental management
What you need to remember

L’appartement en gestion locative est une solution qui séduit de plus en plus de propriétaires en quête de tranquillité. En France, le marché de la location immobilière compte environ 4,85 millions de logements en location ou proposés à la location.

However, managing your property alone can quickly become complex. Faced with this reality, 36% of owners decide to entrust the management of their property to a specialized agency. This decision saves time, secures rental income and ensures stress-free management. Are you also an owner and considering delegating your rental properties ? In this article, discover how rental management works, its advantages, and why NousGérons is your ideal partner to simplify the management of your apartment while optimizing your rental income.

What is rental management?

Rental management is a set of tasks that facilitate the rental of a property. It allows landlords to delegate administrative and technical tasks to an agency or a specialized company, such as NousGérons.

Definition of rental management

La gestion locative englobe toutes les actions nécessaires à la mise en location et au suivi d'un bien. Cela inclut la recherche de locataires, la rédaction du bail, l'encaissement du loyer et la résolution des éventuels problèmes. L'appartement en gestion locative est donc pris en charge par un professionnel.

Plusieurs acteurs interviennent dans le contrat. Le propriétaire bailleur confie son bien. Le locataire occupe le logement. L'agence ou la société immobilière propose ses services de gestion locative.

The rental manager ensures daily monitoring and supervises the relationship between the owner and the tenant . The missions and responsibilities of each are included in the rental management mandate contract. Rental management is therefore a complete service.

The missions of a rental manager

The professional carries out several essential missions for a serene management. He takes care of the rental and the daily monitoring.

Finding tenants is an important step. It is his responsibility to select files and find solvent tenants. He also ensures the rental of the accommodation. The drafting of the lease is also his responsibility. The inventory of fixtures at the start and end are carried out carefully. The lease inventory is therefore managed by the external service provider.

Rent management is also one of its important missions. The property manager collects them and sends reminders if necessary. It also organizes the unpaid rent guarantee which secures income. Unpaid rent insurance is an interesting option. These solutions cover late payments or insolvencies, secure the rent amount and ensure income.

In addition to this, administrative follow-up is also among the services provided by the manager. He manages agency invoices and real estate agency invoices. He ensures the transparency of his fees.

In addition, the agent ensures that the work is carried out and the accommodation is maintained. He coordinates the work and ensures that the accommodation is in good condition.

A model of a house surrounded by stacked money, and an arrow going up, symbolizing the profitability of an apartment in rental management

How does rental management work?

Understanding how rental management works allows you to understand its benefits. This process takes place in several key stages.

Key steps in the process

The rental is the first step. It includes the selection of tenants. Specific criteria are used. The search for their solvency is an important element. After this step, the lease contract is drawn up. The rental management manager also carries out the inventory of fixtures at the start, in order to evaluate the accommodation upon the tenant's arrival.

The day-to-day management follows the rental. The rent is collected monthly. The monitoring of the work is also ensured by the agent. He also manages the relations between the tenants and the owners. To simplify the process, some services can be carried out online.

Termination of the lease marks the end of the contract. In this case, the rental manager makes the exit inventory . He compares the condition of the accommodation at the time of entry and at the time of exit. This marks the end of the relationship between the parties.

Modern tools to simplify rental management

Technology offers innovative solutions to simplify operations. These tools save time and improve organization.

The use of online rental management is becoming more and more common. Dedicated platforms exist. They centralize information and documents, which makes the process easier.

Les atouts des solutions numériques sont nombreux pour les mandants. Ils peuvent suivre leurs biens à distance. Ils accèdent aux informations en temps réel, ce qui leur assure une efficacité opérationnelle. L’utilisation des logiciels permet aussi l’automatisation de certaines tâches. La gestion locative deleguee est ainsi facilitée et l’investissement locatif gestion est optimisé.

Why entrust your apartment to a company specializing in rental management?

There are many advantages to rental management.

Advantages for the landlord

Saving time is a major advantage. You no longer have to manage administrative procedures. The solution frees you from these constraints related to the completion of various tasks. Thus, delegating rental management is a wise choice.

Par ailleurs, la solution permet la  sécurisation des gains locatifs. La garantie des impayés vous protège, tout comme l'assurance loyers impayés. Le loyer est ainsi garanti.  Lors de la conclusion du contrat, les parties doivent se mettre d'accord sur les conditions de ces deux garanties, afin de garantir la sécurité et la pérennité du placement.

Legal and tax expertise is a considerable advantage. You avoid costly mistakes, which optimizes property management. Finally, the real estate agency or real estate company advises you within the framework of the mandate . Thus, the landlord is=supported for serene management.

Why choose a rental management company?

Choosing a rental management company , such as NousGérons, has specific advantages. This ensures professional management and personalized monitoring.

The key role of the specialized company, also called the property manager, is essential. As an expert in the field, he knows the market, which allows him to manage the property on a daily basis. He regularly informs himself about the evolution of the local market, to guarantee a service that always complies with regulations and is of quality.

In the context of delegated management, the transparency of fees must be ensured. They must be specified, as well as the services included. It must detail the content of the real estate agency invoice.

Why entrust us with the rental management of your apartment?

Choosing NousGérons to manage your apartment means choosing a trusted partner. We offer you recognized expertise and personalized support.

Our expertise in property management

As a company specializing in real estate rental management , NousGérons has in-depth expertise. We manage all types of real estate, including apartments. Our experience allows us to anticipate needs and offer a tailor-made service. 

Comprehensive services for your peace of mind

NousGérons offers you complete support for rental management. You benefit from total peace of mind and quality service.

A to Z support is our commitment. This includes renting out your property and monitoring the rented apartments. We also carry out entry and exit inventories. We also take care of all the procedures. This means that you no longer have to worry about administrative or technical constraints, which allows you to benefit from various advantages.

A relationship of trust with our customers

NousGérons places trust at the heart of its relationship with lessors . We favor open communication and personalized support.

We ensure transparent communication by clearly informing you about the rental amounts. Agency invoices and real estate agency invoices are detailed and the rent is managed transparently. We establish reports accessible via the platform to regularly inform you of the income that is obtained under the lease.

We offer assistance available at every stage of your real estate investment. We are here to answer your questions. We advise you on administrative, legal and financial aspects.

Innovative management of your property

NousGérons uses modern tools to optimize the administration of your property. We put innovation at the service of your investment.

We provide you with a dedicated platform. It allows you to monitor the technical and financial aspects of the management of your property. You access information in real time. This makes online monitoring easier and more efficient.

This platform centralizes important documents and simplifies exchanges and procedures. This ensures you save time and are efficient.

How much does rental management cost?

It is important to understand and compare the costs associated with property management . This allows you to assess the profitability of your investment and compare offers.

Explanation of rental management fees

Fees are generally made up of a percentage of the amounts collected. Additional fees may be added, in particular for carrying out the entry and exit assessment. Management fees are therefore variable.

The percentage generally varies between 5% and 10% of the annual rental amount . This percentage remunerates the manager in return for the tasks he performs on a daily basis. The price of rental management depends on the services included.

Additional costs may include rental costs (search for tenants, drafting the lease) and property assessment costs. They may also include costs for major works and recovery costs in the event of insolvency.

It is important to ask for a detailed quote from the real estate agency to know exactly the rates applied. An example of a real estate agency invoice could look like this (fictitious example):

  • Loyer mensuel : 1000€ ;
  • Taux de gestion : 7% ;
  • Honoraires de gestion mensuels : 70€ ;
  • Entry inventory fee: €300 (charged once only).

In this example, the owner would pay the agency €70 per month for day-to-day management. He would also have paid €300 for the inventory of fixtures. The agency invoice would therefore be €70 per month, plus one-off additional costs. The real estate agency invoice details the services.

For the specialized company NousGérons in particular, transparency of services is guaranteed. Our monthly rental management rates are set at 8.40% of your income. These allow you to access all our services, including personalized support. With us, the rates are known in advance, which guarantees transparency.

An office worker negotiating his fees with the owner of an apartment under rental management

Profitability of rental investment with rental management

Rental management has a direct impact on the profitability of your investment. Effective management helps to optimize income and limit risks.

Fortunately, the professional's mission is to optimize rental income. Good management helps minimize rental vacancy and ensure a regular flow of income. Profitability is thus ensured.

In addition, there are insurance policies, including unpaid rent guarantees , which is significant. This insurance protects against the risks of non-payment. It secures the profitability of real estate assets and thus profits.

In conclusion, rental management, although representing a cost, contributes to the overall profitability of your investment. It allows for serene and optimized management.

What you need to remember

Rental management is a set of services that simplify the rental of a property. It includes finding tenants, drafting the lease, managing rents, administrative monitoring and maintaining the property. Entrusting it to a specialized company, such as NousGérons, offers many advantages: saving time, securing profits, legal and tax expertise. NousGérons offers comprehensive and innovative management, with a dedicated platform for transparent monitoring. Choosing NousGérons means opting for a serene and optimized administration of your investment.

Do you want to simplify the management of your apartment and optimize your rental income? Do not hesitate to contact NousGérons today for a personalized study. Our team of experts is at your disposal to answer all your questions. Entrust us with the rental management of your property and enjoy total peace of mind. Contact us to find out more about our services and our prices.

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